Adults Parents & Carers
As adults we are juggling all the time. Arguably the most precious ball we juggle is family and our relationships. However, we are juggling with other balls which create their own stresses and pressures, and if dropped have consequences for us.
Mental Health challenges
Having some difficulties with your mental health is a common difficulty during adulthood.
1 in 4 people in England have a mental health challenge every year.
1 in 6 people report having a common mental health difficulty like anxiety or depression every week.
Thankfully the stigma of acknowledging that we are struggling has changed over the last few years. This doesn’t mean that it is easy to acknowledge about ourselves.
If your struggling with anxiety or depression it can effect every aspect of your life, and all the balls that you are juggling.
Feeling unhappy, sad, upset, lacking in motivation and changes in your ability to concentrate, make decisions, sleep ad eat will inevitably have an impact on your everyday life.
Feeling worried, anxious, having a sense of dread, butterflies in your stomach, feeling your heartbeat fast, sweating – are all symptoms of anxiety.
You don’t have to struggle with these difficulties, therapy can help you to manage your symptoms, challenge thinking patterns and behaviour and explore underlying experiences which may be affecting you mental wellbeing.
Life Stage Changes
We understand that as adults we have different roles being a mother, partner, daughter, sister, friend and colleague. The dynamics in these relationships change over time, and some changes take time to process and come to terms with.
Common life stages that are challenging include:
The end of a significant relationship, including a divorce
Changes in the dynamics between you and your parents as they get older, taking a more caring role in the lives of the people who always cared for you.
Changes in the dynamics between you and your children as they become independent and leave home – ‘an empty nest’.
Going through the Peri-Menopause.
Changes occurring due to a physical health condition such as a condition which effects your mobility or being diagnosed with Cancer.
The changes can feel disorientating, and some of the experiences and difficulties which we commonly have to deal with can feel overwhelming, with some situations feeling like there is no way to change things.
Significant life stage changes can lead us to feel that our whole identity or sense of purpose has changed.
Therapy can help here, to explore the changes that you are experiencing, how they are effecting you, how to manage your feelings and responses positively, and where there are changes which you can make- to identify them and support you to achieve them.
Moving forward after Trauma or harm in the family
We now understand much more about the trauma and harm caused in relationships which are abusive. The law in the UK is catching up, and we now understand the concept of coercion and control within a relationship.
1 in 5 adults experience Domestic Abuse during their lifetime. This equates to: 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6-7 men.
A domestic abuse related call is made to the police every 30 seconds.
It is estimated that every day almost 30 women attempt suicide as a result of experiencing domestic abuse and every week three women take their own lives.
Our Family Therapy works with survivors and perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Work with Survivors
We know that survivors of domestic abuse are resilient. Your experiences and your psychological response to them is complex.
Work with Perpetrators
Our therapists have experience of working with people who have caused harm to others, including perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Maybe you suspect, or you know that your behaviours are causing harm to your partner?
Harm isn’t always about bruises and being aggressive and violent.
Do you feel insecure in your relationship, and you are behaving in ways to try to ,manage your feelings, but this is causing hurt, distress or harm to your partner?
If these questions resonate, then it is time to consider how you can change you thinking and behaviours in your relationships, and make changes to enable you to have happy, meaningful and fulfilling relationships which are healthy.​
Our Family Therapy uses a structured but individualised programme to address harmful and abusive behaviours in relationships. The programme is individualised to meet your specific needs. It is based on evidence, and you work with therapists who have experience of addressing these issues.