Child Therapy
If your child is struggling with something you want to be able to help them. It isn’t always easy as a parent or carer to know how to help, what to say or do. Sometimes being their parent or carer – with all the demands of that relationship – can get in the way of being able to help. It can sometimes be easier for your child to be honest with someone outside the situation.
Find the help your child needs to get back to being the child you know and love.
Our Family provides assessments and therapy for children and young people.
We are able to help if your child is struggling with:
Expressing or managing their emotions,
Using unhealthy coping strategies such as self-harm
Behaving in challenging ways, which are difficult to understand and manage.
their self-esteem
Stress- maybe because of school, exams or other life pressures or experiences
A traumatic expereince
Difficulties with friendships
Family issues, including parents separating or going through a divorce, or managing with their feelings after their family structure or dynamics have changed.
Our Family therapists have experience of working with children with a range of different needs, including complex needs and presentations.
We will work with you and your child to understand the concerns and then work with you to address them using treatment models which have an evidence base – we know that you’re child is too important for anything less.
Therapists will look at what is going on for your child/teen developmentally, what is happening with peers, what is happening inside the family and how your child/teen is making sense of this. This provides the basis for working with your child.
If you’re not sure what you child is struggling with exactly, or your concerns are not described above, contact us and we’ll provide a free consultation. We will listen and provide an honest opinion about if we can help and how.